Red Cross Built Exactly 6 Homes For Haiti With Nearly Half A Billion Dollars In Donations
End the corruption of charities and religious donations. THumP® exposes the fact that ...
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If you receive a text or email from someone claiming to be a representative of The Humanity Party®, do not give out any personal or financial information.
Note: The Humanity Party® does not accept nor solicit for donations of any kind.
The Humanity Party® does not award prizes or give direct benefits to anyone.
If you receive a text or email from someone claiming to be a representative of The Humanity Party®, do not give out any personal or financial information.
End the corruption of charities and religious donations. THumP® exposes the fact that ...
The following are actual comments of the Polish people, followed by ...
Wonderful words from a typical politician. “We have known the agony of war. ...
Here is a prime example of the integrity of politicians that run our ...
One of the main problems with our world is that we value “science” above ...
Political rhetoric is defined as: “Language that is elaborate, pretentious, insincere, or intellectually ...
This is why Bernie Sanders should NOT be the U.S. President. He will ...
Again, these are NOT the actions of a “Well Regulated Militia.” These are the ...
The value of currency, its production (printing), and how it’s managed and regulated ...
Listen carefully. Apply the message of this short clip from A Bug’s Life ...