Note: The Humanity Party® does not accept nor solicit for donations of any kind. The Humanity Party® does not award prizes or give direct benefits to anyone. If you receive a text or email from someone claiming to be a representative of The Humanity Party®, do not give out any personal or financial information.
One Human Race. One People. One World.
A new world government:
Earth’s only hope.
Earth’s only hope.
One Human Race. One People. One World.
A new world government: Earth’s only hope.
Introducing a new political party that offers realistic alternatives to the existing government systems. In a world full of uncertainty and turmoil, we can create peace.
Introducing a new political party that offers realistic alternatives to the existing government systems. In a world full of uncertainty and turmoil, we can create peace.
The Humanity Party® (THumP®) is a PEOPLE’S party, for all human beings.
The Humanity Party® is the only political movement on Earth that is making an attempt to unite the people of the world under one movement, under one government—yes, under one world order of law and peace. Under this movement, everyone’s voice and free will is considered—the small and great, the rich and poor, the free and bond.
It is THumP®’s intention to offer viable and intelligent solutions to help dissolve the imaginary lines (borders) of the nations of this world and unite ALL people—regardless of race, creed, color, current political affiliations, or economic class as ONE. Only a unification of the people will stop all war, inequality, and poverty on Earth.
We cannot depend on our current political leaders to accomplish this incredible feat. We must depend upon the people of the world. We must speak to their humanity.
The people of the world have never had a platform to unite themselves together under one cause. The Humanity Party® is this platform.
The first, foremost, and most important priority of the correct form of government is to guarantee that each person has what each needs in order to live.
Basic nutritious food and clean water.Housing
Basic and secure housing and utilities.
Basic clothing applicable to the climate.
Comprehensive health and mental care.
Basic public education, including four years at an accredited university.
THumP®’s proposals provide the Basic Necessities of Life to all people equally and do not require anyone to become dependent upon corporate profit for a paycheck. This eliminates the slavery of the laboring class, but bolsters and motivates businesses and corporation to seek profit by providing government-guaranteed and constitutionally mandated goods and services.
The HumanECard®
The Five Basic Necessities of Life can be provided using the Humanity Party®’s proposed FBNL® benefit card, called the HumanECard®.

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The Humanity Party® Just Solved the Israeli – Palestinian Conflict amid differences of religion
The Humanity Party® challenges the United States of America to end worldwide underage prostitution in ONE WEEK!
The Humanity Party® Why Opiates Have Increased in the U.S.A.
The Humanity Party® Explains Why Terrorism Continues To Exist
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