One People. One World. One Government.

The Humanity Party®

A united human race: Earth’s only hope.

Introducing a new political party that offers realistic alternatives to the existing government systems. In a world full of uncertainty and turmoil, we can create peace.

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The Humanity Party® FBNL

Note: The Humanity Party® does not accept nor solicit for donations of any kind.The Humanity Party® does not award prizes or give direct benefits to anyone. If you receive a text or email from someone claiming to be a representative of The Humanity Party®, do not give out any personal or financial information.

One Human Race. One People. One World.

The Humanity Party®


A new world government:
Earth’s only hope.

One Human Race. One People. One World.


A new world government: Earth’s only hope.

Introducing a new political party that offers realistic alternatives to the existing government systems. In a world full of uncertainty and turmoil, we can create peace.

The Humanity Party®

Introducing a new political party that offers realistic alternatives to the existing government systems. In a world full of uncertainty and turmoil, we can create peace.

The Humanity Party® (THumP®) is a PEOPLE’S party, for all human beings.

This video presents our overall message and intent.

The Humanity Party® is the only political movement on Earth that is making an attempt to unite the people of the world under one movement, under one government—yes, under one world order of law and peace. Under this movement, everyone’s voice and free will is considered—the small and great, the rich and poor, the free and bond.

It is THumP®’s intention to offer viable and intelligent solutions to help dissolve the imaginary lines (borders) of the nations of this world and unite ALL people—regardless of race, creed, color, current political affiliations, or economic class as ONE. Only a unification of the people will stop all war, inequality, and poverty on Earth.

We cannot depend on our current political leaders to accomplish this incredible feat. We must depend upon the people of the world. We must speak to their humanity.

The people of the world have never had a platform to unite themselves together under one cause. The Humanity Party® is this platform.

political platform
One world government
Ending Poverty
political platform
One world government
Ending Poverty

The Three 3 Principles of a Righteous Government

The first, foremost, and most important priority of the correct form of government is to guarantee that each person has what each needs in order to live.


Basic nutritious food and clean water.


Basic and secure housing and utilities.


Basic clothing applicable to the climate.


Comprehensive health and mental care.


Basic public education, including four years at an accredited university.


Nutritious food
and clean water.


Basic and secure housing and utilities.


Public education, including four years at an accredited university.


Clothing applicable to the climate.


Comprehensive health and mental care.

THumP®’s proposals provide the Basic Necessities of Life to all people equally and do not require anyone to become dependent upon corporate profit for a paycheck. This eliminates the slavery of the laboring class, but bolsters and motivates businesses and corporation to seek profit by providing government-guaranteed and constitutionally mandated goods and services.

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The HumanECard®

The Five Basic Necessities of Life can be provided using the Humanity Party®’s proposed FBNL® benefit card, called the HumanECard®.

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The Right to Life

No government should exist that does not prioritize the right to life as its number one purpose and protection.

Our Platform

Solving Poverty Throughout the World

THumP®’s economic plan uses the concept of the HumanECard® to end poverty.

Here’s How

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The Book of Life®

The only way that peace on Earth can or ever will be accomplished is if the people of Earth unite and demand liberty and justice for all humans equally and equitably, according to each person’s individual pursuit of happiness. United we stand, divided we fall. There is no other way.

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    The Humanity Party® (THumP®) was set up to serve humanity—ALL of humanity. Our […]

  • The Humanity Party®’s HumanECard® Mockup

    Here is a mock-up of what The Humanity Party®’s HumanECard® might look like: […]


    NOTICE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE: We hope that you will read and share […]

  • THumP®’s Economic Plan to End Poverty throughout the World

    Here is THumP®’s economic plan to end poverty throughout the world explained in […]

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The perfect government must positively affect the existence of those considered the least among us without negatively affecting those who are considered the greatest.

Proper government should exist to guarantee and support our ability to live (right to life) and protect us (right to liberty) in our individual pursuits of happiness, allowing each of us to choose our own form of happiness and feel equally safe and secure in its pursuit.

Declaration of Reform & Change

It is time for a One World Government, and a new World Constitution based on the support and protection of all human beings equally—a Constitution that establishes the rights of the people, and limits the government’s power and strength to only supporting and protecting the rights of the people.

Proposed Constitution
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Understand the Humanity Party®

Review the Humanity Party® Platform.


Read our Declaration of Reform and Change and our Proposed Constitution.


Learn about the FBNL® and our plan to end worldwide poverty.


View our featured videos and read blogs for additional information.


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