THumP® has the solution to the gun control debate. 7 years, 7 mass shootings, 7 distraught speeches from Obama
(via The following is part of THumP®’s proposed constitutional changes: Article ...
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Note: The Humanity Party® does not accept nor solicit for donations of any kind.
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(via The following is part of THumP®’s proposed constitutional changes: Article ...
(via Woman with concealed carry permit shoots up Home Depot while trying to ...
Mr. Sanders tells the real truth. As a U.S. Senator for so many ...
This is a GREAT video, but is typical of the rhetoric ...
The Humanity Party® is launching its movement worldwide. The Humanity Party® (THumP®) is a PEOPLE’S ...
Individual Gun Rights are NOT and SHOULD NOT be Constitutional. This ...
Here is a simple video to show one example of how the ...
If you believe and have a hope for real change, THumP® can help ...
This horrific incident (shown in the video above: NOTE: video was removed. It ...
Something a THumP® candidate for President would say.