
  • Chris Rock — How Not To Get Your Ass Kicked By The Police

    July 7, 2016

    4 min read

    Alton Sterling was shot by police two days ago. Philando Castile was shot by […]

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  • This morning a terrorist sneaked into… – Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו

    July 2, 2016

    7.2 min read

    Here is the Humanity Party®’s response to Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and […]

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  • The Humanity Party® has the plan to end worldwide poverty

    June 27, 2016

    1.2 min read

    THumP®’s plan is an indisputable plan that can work. In fact, implementing it could […]

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  • The Humanity Party® lists the average American claim vs. fact about gun violence in the United States and offers the humane solutions to address the problem

    June 4, 2016

    12.8 min read

    What Black Americans Say About ‘Black-on-Black’ Gun Violence Claim: The United States is […]

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  • Slavery, the Great Beast that is devouring our world

    May 31, 2016

    3.5 min read

    India has 18 million modern slaves—at least five times more than any other […]

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  • Red Cross Built Exactly 6 Homes For Haiti With Nearly Half A Billion Dollars In Donations

    May 29, 2016

    0.6 min read

    End the corruption of charities and religious donations. THumP® exposes the fact that […]

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