Avada Agency
Avada Agency

Note: The Humanity Party® does not accept nor solicit for donations of any kind.

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If you receive a text or email from someone claiming to be a representative of The Humanity Party®, do not give out any personal or financial information.

Avada Agency
Avada Agency

Note: The Humanity Party® does not accept nor solicit for donations of any kind.

The Humanity Party® does not award prizes or give direct benefits to anyone.

If you receive a text or email from someone claiming to be a representative of The Humanity Party®, do not give out any personal or financial information.

Trump moves decisively to wipe out Obama’s climate-change record—This would be a crime under a Humanity Party® government

2023-05-25T04:04:50+00:00March 28th, 2017|Featured, post|

Trump moves decisively to wipe out Obama’s climate-change record. Political parties, each with ...

Hundreds of immigrants arrested in ‘routine’ U.S. enforcement surge — The Humanity Party® condemns these acts, warning the U.S. of the consequences

2023-05-18T23:37:59+00:00February 11th, 2017|post|

America was once a land of promise for all people on Earth. It was ...

Stephen Hawking: ‘This is the most dangerous time for our planet’ — The Humanity Party® has the solutions that the “Hawkings” types of this world do not consider — Why?

2023-05-18T23:11:02+00:00December 7th, 2016|post|

Consider this story in which one of the most renowned and celebrated minds ...

‘We’re all human’: US border patrol agents overwhelmed by influx of Central American migrants — The Humanity Party® has the solution to the migrant problem

2023-05-18T23:07:45+00:00December 4th, 2016|post|

The foundation for the United States as an independent nation was laid by ...

What Happens to Millions of Syrian Refugees if Assad Remains in Power? The Humanity Party®’s solution to the refugee problem

2023-05-18T23:06:19+00:00December 4th, 2016|post|

The foundation for the United States as an independent nation was laid by ...

Calais ‘Jungle’ migrant camp: What to know — the Humanity Party gives the simple solution; the world rejects the solution; the world deserves the consequences of its rejection

2023-05-18T22:42:44+00:00October 22nd, 2016|post|

The solution to the problem faced by EVERY refugee camp that exists throughout ...

WHY ISIS Wants a Global Civil War — The REAL TRUTH that no world leader wants to publicly admit — The Humanity Party® tells this truth and what the world can do about it

2023-05-18T22:22:23+00:00July 29th, 2016|post|

Why does ISIS exist? What happened in our world that caused humans to ...

Helping Palestinians was an uphill battle for US aid chief. Humanity Party® counters with the only solution: fight poverty and end religious dispute over land

2023-05-18T00:00:33+00:00July 15th, 2016|post|

This report is about what the U.S. government’s aid efforts have done to ...

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