united states

  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    September 6, 2017

    3.6 min read

    LINK: Universal Declaration of Human Rights The Humanity Party® seeks to bring the […]

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  • The Humanity Party®’s solution to the conflict in Palestine

    March 26, 2017

    6.2 min read

    If the Humanity Party® held power and control in the Executive Branch (White […]

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  • What Happens to Millions of Syrian Refugees if Assad Remains in Power? The Humanity Party®’s solution to the refugee problem

    December 4, 2016

    2.2 min read

    The foundation for the United States as an independent nation was laid by […]

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  • You can’t stop terrorism by terrorist acts — You can’t stop poverty by poverty acts — You must end both by implementing the opposite: peace and prosperity

    June 30, 2016

    12.1 min read

    You can’t stop terrorism by terrorist acts. You can’t stop poverty by poverty […]

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  • “Israel’s settlement drive is becoming irreversible, diplomats fear” … all because of religious belief and domination

    June 1, 2016

    2.5 min read

    Israel’s settlement drive is becoming irreversible, diplomats fear  There is a good reason […]

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  • Slavery, the Great Beast that is devouring our world

    May 31, 2016

    3.5 min read

    India has 18 million modern slaves—at least five times more than any other […]

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