The Senate Majority Leader—in most senses—the Most Powerful Person in the US Senate
January 24, 2018 |
| 2 min read

The news media has exasperated the public with ad nauseum mention of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, and Paul Ryan. These four seem to be the ones who have all the power to get things done.
If one were to research the most powerful people in government, one would find that the Speaker of the House clearly holds the most powerful position in the US House of Representatives; and the Senate Majority Leader is, in most senses, the most powerful person in the US Senate.
This is the problem; this is NOT how it’s supposed to be.
The people vote for these government representatives. The people are told, and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, that whereas all humans are ostensibly equal, each should have equal representation. Thus, one Senator should be just as powerful as the other 99, no matter how long the Senator has been paid to be a Senator. (THumP® does not refer to a politician’s work as “service.” No one “serves” in politics. None would “serve” if they didn’t get paid, whether the compensation be in money, power, or prestige and popularity.)
No single Senator should hold any more power than any other Senator has. Same goes for the House of Representatives.
The reason why the current government doesn’t work is because of this disparity of influence within Congress.
How did Congress become so corrupt and divided in power?
The answer: because of the rules that each chamber made for ITSELF! These rules do not benefit the people as a whole. They benefit individual Senators and Representatives.
THumP® restores the proper balance of power in its proposed changes for a new Constitution:
Article I, Section 1:
(d) Houses of Congress. Congress shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives.
(e) Equality of Congress. Congress shall not choose Seats nor designate Officers. There shall be no Classes, Committees, Chairpersons, or Seats, of any kind, in Congress. Each Member of Congress shall be equal to all other Members, regardless of tenure, age, race, gender, economic status, religion, or sexual orientation.
(f) Consensus of Unanimity. Without a consensus of unanimity among its elected Members, Congress shall pass no law incumbent on the people outside of the laws established by this Constitution. There shall be no law without the unanimous consenting vote of each Member of Congress, whether physically present at the time of the vote or not. Congress shall have the option of voting by proxy or electronically, as it may determine from time to time, is in the best interest of any particular Member, or the people of the Republic.