ARTICLE I: The Legislative Branch

ARTICLE I: The Legislative Branch

SECTION 1: The Legislature

a. Dissolution of Sovereign Nations and Borders

No Territory upon Earth, in any place where human beings reside, shall possess sovereignty or legislative powers outside of those granted by the people of Earth through this Constitution. There shall be no established borders that divide the people of Earth.

There are great advantages in unifying all Nations into one people, indivisible. This law will unify and centralize political power in a World government, with the group of people that it represents identified as the Republic of Earth. “Republic” has always represented a government where the power rests solely with the people, by the people electing representatives that recognize, support, and do the people’s will. Current governments are run by the will of politicians who look out for their own personal interests or the interests of the constituency in their home Country that do not necessarily reflect the interests of the majority of citizens in the rest of the World.

The current Constitution of the United States of America, for instance, allows politicians elected by one State to hold more power and exercise more authority than other equally elected politicians. It allows Congress to assign its own, usually seasoned (multi-term) politicians, to chair powerful committees, even though less-tenured and newer representatives might represent a larger number of people.

Here is a graphic example to illustrate this disparity of power:

States’ rights and power have caused many (if not most) of the social problems experienced by Americans. The most conservative States in the Union, which have a smaller population than other, more liberal States, wield a greater power in Congress and cause political gridlock, many times inciting prejudice and threatening the right that all humans are created equal. It was a hard fight to convince the Congress of 1862 to abolish slavery; the Congress of 1964 to abolish segregation; and they currently are experiencing some States fighting against homosexual protection and equal liberties. All of these seemingly humane acts that should be obvious, were stalled and fought against by the constitutional rights of States. This new constitutional proposal eliminates the probabilities of inhumane government policies continuing in society because of the minority.

b. Congressional Power to Establish Laws; Term Limits for the Legislative Branch

All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress elected every four years by the people and limited to two terms each within any period of twenty consecutive years.

c. Requirement to protect Earth

Legislative powers shall be restricted to acts and procedures in the establishment of laws that support the wants and needs of the people proportionate to the support of the natural laws of Earth and its environs.

This law allows a government to provide for the needs of the people circumspect and in consideration of the natural laws of the earth. This provides constitutional authority to protect the earth, and at the same time gives humans the advantage of being the greatest life form that exists on Earth. A World Congress will be required to cautiously weigh the establishment of laws that promote human life against the protection of Earth’s environment and balance the two for the sake of both. This provision gives Congress greater authority and control over agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, providing a greater power to the EPA if needed. This provision also enables Congress to establish laws that allow business and industry to seek their corporate interests, but restricted to certain boundaries that do not destroy the earth and its natural environment. The provision forces the Free Market and Capitalism to compromise and balance their pursuit of profit with environmental concerns.

d. Houses of Congress

Congress shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives.

Two chambers where legislative bills (potential laws) can be properly argued with respect to and consideration for all representatives is crucial to a fair government for all. A bill is a citizen’s right to establish a law for a specific personal interest through fairly elected Representatives. The vast difference of opinion and selfish concerns of the citizens from different areas need to be considered. The House’s main role is to make sure that the proposed bill meets the needs of all people fairly and equally. The Senate’s main role is to look at the proposed bill in greater detail. The Senate members are fewer in number than the House and are able to discuss and argue the bill with deeper consideration. Because Congress will be forced (according to the provisions of this new Constitution) to pass a bill from each House with unanimity (see subsection f. below), no law will pass that is not fair to all people.

e. Equality of Congress

Congress shall not choose Seats nor designate Officers. There shall be no Classes, Committees, Chairpersons, or Seats, of any kind, in Congress. Each Member of Congress shall be equal to all other Members, regardless of tenure, age, race, gender, economic status, religion, or sexual orientation.

Term limits will allow new and updated representation. There are many people who are very educated and have wonderful ideas about the needs and wants of society. In the United States, current representatives make Washington D.C. their home and primary concentration. Years of service in Congress acclimates the representative to political instead of constituent interests.

Two houses are needed so that suggestions for laws and a productive debate thereof can take place. A larger House of Representatives can introduce laws and argue them on a broader scale; whereas a much smaller Senate can then debate the issue approved by the Representatives in more detail and with less peer pressure. Both Houses of Congress are vital to a productive and fair representation and argument of the people’s particular interests.

Eliminating special appointments, commissions, offices, and other designations of lopsided power within Congress will ensure a more balanced discussion and debate of the issues across a broader spectrum of representation. There is no reason, except for personal desires for power and prestige, why Congress should not openly debate each issue and allow each Representative an opportunity to voice an opinion regarding its subject matter and effects.

f. Consensus of Unanimity

Without a consensus of unanimity among its elected Members, Congress shall pass no law incumbent on the people outside of the laws established by this Constitution. There shall be no law without the unanimous consenting vote of each Member of Congress, whether physically present at the time of the vote or not. Congress shall have the option of voting by proxy or electronically, as it may determine from time to time, is in the best interest of any particular Member, or the people of the Republic.

This forces Congress to do its job: make fair and competent decisions on a timely basis. Juries in court are forced by law to make a unanimous decision in important (usually criminal) matters that affect the life of an individual. The laws that Congress enacts affect each person’s life; therefore, the same expectations should be mandated for Congress. Congress will be forced to stay in chambers as long as is needed to come to a unanimous decision. If Congress cannot come to a unanimous decision, then the suggestion cannot become a law.

Some might argue that this inclusion and mandate on Congress will hinder decisions and create more gridlock. Congress, like all of us, will not want to stay in session for many arduous hours. They will be forced to debate the issue, amend it so that all can agree, and pass the law before they are allowed to go home. If they cannot agree on an issue, then the issue obviously does not represent the consensus of all of the people. Because this new Constitution establishes law that can enforce the laws that are the most important and beneficial to a person’s daily life, forcing Congress to agree on the other details won’t affect a person’s life dramatically.

The Congressional Report and mandated transparency (outlined below) will help the people decide which Congressional Representative, in either House, is causing problems and not cooperating with others to pass beneficial laws. With the power of the vote and term limits, Congress will be motivated to work together.

g. Congressional Compensation

Members of Congress shall receive for their services a compensation as described in Section 7 of this Article. Besides that salary and within the period of their elected term: prior to that period within five years, and subsequent to that period within ten years—no Member of Congress or anyone associated with a Member of Congress shall receive from the Republic or from any of its people, or from any domestic entity, or from any foreign person or entity—any present, donation, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatsoever. The provisions of this sub-section shall be construed consistent with the provisions of Section 1(l.) below.

Congressional salaries (outlined in Section 7 below) will be more in line with the average salaries of the people, which will motivate Congress to act to help increase the income of the people and in so doing increase their own wage.

h. Congressional Conflict of Interest

No Congressional Representative shall, during the time for which that Representative is elected, or within ten years from the end of the period for which that Member was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority or compensation of the Republic which was created, or the emoluments whereof which were increased during such time; and no person holding any civil office under or within the Republic, shall be a Member of either House during such civil officer’s continuance in authority and office.

This law keeps politicians from benefiting from government contracts and incentives and eliminates the possibility that a Congressperson can create a government job that financially benefits that person while in office. If a person has worked for or financially benefited from a company that was awarded a government contract, within five years from the time that the person runs for Congress, that person cannot be in Congress. Furthermore, no member of Congress, nor any person on any type of Congressional payroll, can work for a company that benefits, in any way, from government financing and/or contracts for ten years after being in Congress. This also reduces the corruption and influence of big business on Congress’ ability to act for and on behalf of the people.

i. Age and Residency Requirements for Congressional Representatives

No person shall be a Representative: 1) who has not attained the age of thirty-five years; and 2) who has not physically resided in a specified District for at least five years.

No person of eighteen or twenty-one years, for example, has the experience of life necessary to run for an office that will direct the affairs of those who have had more life experience in the real world. Society sets determinate factors in relation to when a child becomes an adult. Modern family situations have developed an acceptable age of full accountability, which is generally eighteen to twenty-one years of age. However, just because one is now fully accountable, does not mean that that one automatically becomes experienced in accountability. This law forces a person to have at least a decade of experience living life with full accountability. In addition, teenagers are greatly susceptible to their parents’ prejudices. Well said by Albert Einstein, “Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.” This being the case, the common sense that a person utilizes in making laws that affect other people’s lives, must be developed. The way to do this is for the individual to gain some experience in the use of their personal “collection of prejudices” and how well they work with other’s prejudices in the real world, outside of the security and support of the family unit.

The District where the person lives sometimes produces sub-cultures, ideas, and a way of living different from other Districts. To truly be in touch with the people, one must live among the people and observe their wants and needs firsthand. This law will prohibit a person living in one District and owning a house in another from running in the District where that person does not spend the majority of that person’s time. Furthermore, candidates for Congress should be vetted according to how involved they have been with the people of their particular District. If a candidate has four different residences all over the country, that candidate by default is detached from the general population. Because who, of the majority of the people of Earth, owns more than one residence?

j. Congressional Replacement Outside of Regular Elections

When vacancies occur in the representation of any District due to death, disability, impeachment, or removal from office for any reasons determined by Congress according to its authority as this Constitution allows, Congress shall prescribe the time, place, manner, and approve and support the cost of a new election by the previously registered voters in the District where the vacancy occurs.

This law ensures that the people are always responsible for electing their representatives. This will further prohibit Congress from establishing special rules that can replace one of its Members without the people’s authority through their majority vote.

k. Congressional Immunity from Civil Suits and Harassment

Congressional Representatives shall in all cases—except treason, felony, breach of the peace, or violation of any of this Constitution’s Articles, or those of a personal nature involving domestic issues—be privileged from legal process service or arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any speech or debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other place by any other person or authority outside of those appointed by this Constitution.

America has become the number one litigious (wanting to sue in court) nation in the world. So that Congress can concentrate on the needs of the people, a Representative should be protected from frivolous lawsuits while that person is serving the people in Congress. Radical constituents (voters) and others who have become disillusioned with the Representative often seek retribution against that person through the Courts by filing litigation in an effort to embarrass or harass the Representative. This law eliminates that possibility. However, its limitation in domestic issues will allow a family partner the right to dissolve their marriage or seek legal relief at any time. This provision will not allow a Representative to shrink or avoid his or her personal responsibilities while serving in Congress.

l. Congressional Recognition of Any Person[s]

No Title of Nobility shall be granted to any person, for any reason, by the Congress, nor shall any person holding any office of profit or trust under this Constitution accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatsoever, from any king, prince, or officer of any state or nation.

This provision eliminates the possibility of titles that viscerally puts one human above another. It also helps Congress focus on the needs of the people instead of pursuing the possibility of receiving accolades, gifts, and honors from entities of any kind. Other nations have their own lobbyists that work hard to influence Congress. Promises of money and prestige from any nation, whose laws are protected outside of this Constitution, would allow a Representative to receive such emoluments during or after serving in Congress. This provision expressly eliminates that possibility, thus reducing the influence that such powers can have on Congress.

m. Congressional Website for Complete Transparency

Congress shall maintain an official website. Such website shall provide full transparency of all congressional actions and activities, except those that might impede or affect national security as Congress may determine and prescribe, but requiring the concurrence of the President. Such website shall be updated on a daily basis and kept current within 24 hours of the preceding day. Such website shall be clear and understandable to the majority of the people anywhere throughout the world.

Transparency is the concept of the people knowing exactly what Congress is doing at all times. Just as an employer would want to know what their employees are doing and how they are doing it, the people deserve the right to know, and more importantly, understand what and how Congress is doing to represent them in government. Current congressional rules and laws make it virtually impossible for the average person to follow what goes on in Congress. For one of many examples, a “filibuster” is a tactic used by Representatives to stall votes and basically waste time. If an employer found out that an employee was filibustering, thereby wasting time for no good reason, that employee would be fired. If the people knew what a filibuster was and how it is used, they would be outraged; yet a filibuster is just one of many tactics currently used by a two-party Congress that is basically self-serving and useless to the majority of the people. Total transparency of all congressional action, presented in a way so that most people can understand, is the only way for the people to be able to make informative decisions in upcoming elections as candidates run with different agendas.

n. Congressional Oath

Before Members of Congress assume the execution of their office, each shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully serve the people of the Republic of Earth, and I will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of this Republic.”

Nothing is more important than defending and upholding this Constitution, as it gives power to some people to govern others. But if the Constitution is flawed, ambiguous, or in other ways too broad in its definitions (as is the current U.S. Constitution), it can become useless for the purpose of serving all people equally. Once a Constitution as been agreed upon by the people, their Representatives should be held to its strict observance.

SECTION 2: Congressional Districts

a. Definition of Congressional Voting Districts

Districts within the Republic of Earth shall be determined according to the total number of registered voters, divided by 50 Districts. Congressional District boundaries shall be redefined every four years by automatic Digital Boundary Definitions determined after the people have registered to vote during each four-year term. Digital Boundary Definitions shall be defined by the number of registered voters and concomitant with their physical proximity according to Article V of this Constitution.

People who do not register to vote make a personal choice not to take an active role in their own government; not voting signifies that a person doesn’t really care who has power in government. This Constitution gives the right to everyone to vote and makes it a lot easier to do so, even rewarding the people with governmentally funded registration and election days. See Article V, Section 4(d.) below. With current technology, it is easy to track voter registration and create an algorithm that automatically divides the registered voters into 50 separate logistic voting Districts. The District boundary lines will change every four years, reflective of the number of people who register to vote in each District.

Using an example from the United States, the number 50 was chosen to reflect and support current congressional actual physical seats as space allowed at the Capitol building in Washington D.C. It was also chosen to eliminate the necessity of inventing a new flag that represented the new Republic of America. The current flag has 50 stars representing 50 separate States. These States are currently divided, but not equal, which causes most of the government’s ineffectiveness. The flag would then represent the equality of the people, as it was originally intended, with each star representing the 50 voting Districts.

The goal is to take the power out of the hands of corporations, the wealthy, and their lobbyists and put it back into the hands of the people. However, if a person chooses not to become involved in that person’s self-governance through fair representation and does not register to vote, that person should not be included in the process of governing, having free will and no desire to do so.

b. District Titles

Each District may preserve the title of its former Nation or State, a combination of both, or the people residing therein may choose another title by majority election of that District’s registered voters.

For an example in the United States, because of its overwhelming number of residents, California could retain the name “California District” (and gain an additional 5 new Districts); whereas, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nevada and Arizona, whose combined populations equal that of California, might adopt the name, “Pacific-Western District.” During any election, the current District Representatives can offer certain names for the District on the general ballot of that District, along with the option to retain the present title. This allows the people of a District, whose boundaries might change drastically during an election registration, depending on the number of people who register to vote, to rename their District at the next election. This same scenario would apply equally to every voting District on Earth.

If, using the above example, the total number of registered voters in the current location of the States of Washington and Oregon outnumber those in the California District, thus becoming a District made up of just these two States, the people might vote to have their District of registered voters called the “Northwest District.” Logically, once this Constitution is adopted and the people initially vote on the names for their respective Districts, it will probably follow that these names will not be changed much. Districts will increase in size, therefore, their representation might increase, but their names need not be changed. These are decisions to be made by the people.

SECTION 3: The House

a. Number of Representatives

The House of Representatives of the Republic shall be composed of five hundred (500) Representatives, ten (10) from each District, and each Representative shall have one vote.

There are currently 448 permanent seats on the House of Representatives Floor in the Capitol building located in Washington D.C. However, there are also four tables that accommodate Members of the Committee who have brought a bill to the floor for consideration and by the respective party leadership. Because this Constitution eliminates party leadership and the manner in which bills are voted upon by Committees (ceding to the consensus of unanimity for a bill to become law), it would be easy to remodel the House Floor to include 52 more permanent seats by getting rid of the four tables. This would allow 500 permanent seats to accommodate 10 Representatives from each District. Although one might presume that allowing more than 10 Representatives to represent such a large number of people would be more fair, the ability to argue the issues would be greatly impeded by a larger number of Representatives.

b. Power of Impeachment

The House shall retain the power of impeachment, but no party shall be impeached without the concurrence of unanimity of the House as prescribed in Section 1(f.) of this Article.

Impeachment does not mean removal from office. Impeachment is an official process used to reprimand or accuse a government official of wrongdoing. Congress must have the right and power to monitor and check itself. But it should not be given the power to remove a legally elected Representative from office. This right and power should always remain with the people. To keep one Representative from disagreeing and wanting to accuse another because of a personal vendetta, or one party attacking another, a unanimous vote of impeachment is required.

SECTION 4: The Senate

a. Number of Senators

The Senate of the Republic shall be composed of one hundred (100) Senators, two (2) from each District, and each Senator shall have one Vote.

Within the Senate Chambers, a more microscopic examination of each bill can take place. A limited number of Senators allows a more intimate and complete debate—among 100 people vs. among 500. If a bill passes the House of Representatives, it is because it was unanimously accepted by the people’s Representatives. Having two more Senators from each District examine the bill will ensure the people that any law that controls their lives will have been discussed, debated, and thoroughly challenged. Because this Constitution eliminates Presidential veto power, due to the required consensus of unanimity by Congress, the Senate is the people’s last check and balance over the power to create laws. Having two Senators from each voting District will also fit well with the current Senate Chamber accommodations.

b. Power to Try Impeachments

The Senate shall retain the power to try all impeachments, whether of a Member of Congress, or of the President of the Republic, or of any Member of the Judicial Branch. The Senate shall receive and judge the evidence and findings of impeachment from the House of Representatives at trial. No impeached party shall be formally adjudged and convicted without the concurrence of unanimity of the Senate as prescribed in Section 1(f.) of this Article.

There is a general misunderstanding by the public in regards to exactly what “impeachment” means. Impeachment does NOT mean removal from office. Impeachment is a formal process in which an official is accused of an impropriety, the outcome of which may include the removal of that official from office as well as criminal or civil punishment if a law has been broken. Accusations of impropriety will always exist among the people’s Representatives because of human nature. Jealousies, envying, ridicule, and dislike between Representatives is inevitable. There is a greater possibility that these emotions and accusations will exist proportionately to the number of people because intimate relationship and friendships are less likely to form in the larger group of the Representatives of the House. Thus, although one Representative might formally accuse a rival of an impropriety, the Senate, with less people, therefore forming closer relationships between Senators, will be more apt to weigh the accusation and determine its validity. Furthermore, the people should have the right to impeach their own representatives, the President, or any Judge, lawyer, or other member of the Judicial Branch that has power or authority over them. For example, if a local Judge is continually out of line, the people can contact their respective Congressional Representative of that area and petition to have the Judge impeached.

c. Punishment of Impeachment and Conviction

Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than reprimand and censure by the Senate; it shall not include removal from office. The impeached party shall be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment, according to law, prior to removal from office.

The Senate’s role is to consider the accusation and, upon determining its validity, issue reprimands and censures of the politician, President, Judge, or attorney. If the Senate determines that the impeachment is appropriate and valid, the impeached will then be tried for the crime by the proper judicial authority and subject to the penalties associated with the crime. The Senate does not hold judicial power or authority beyond its power to try impeachments and issue such reprimands and censures.

d. Replacement in Office of the Impeached

Upon impeachment and conviction by judicial trial, the people of the convicted and removed Member’s District shall hold the exclusive power to elect such Member’s replacement during a lawfully convened election according to the power of Congress to call such election. The majority vote of the people of the Republic during a lawfully held election shall be the only power that can replace any Member, President, or Judicial Officer in the event of impeachment by Congress, and conviction and removal from office, as determined by judicial trial.

This provision will not permit politicians to get rid of one of their own and replace that one with another of their own. The people will retain the right to elect the replacement. This will eliminate any politically motivated acts of impeachment and removal and protect the people’s rights to elect their Congressional Representatives and Judicial Officers.

SECTION 5: Elections

a. Establishment of Elections

Pursuant to Article V of this Constitution, Congress shall oversee and establish the proceedings, laws, times, places, manner, and pay the costs of registering to vote and of the general elections.

The most important part of any government set up for the people and by the people is for the people to be able to fairly elect their governmental representatives. This is so important that this new Constitution assigns an entire Article to these elections. The provisions for elections are outlined in Article V below. This provision, Article 1, Section 5(a.), gives Congress the authority and power to ensure that Article V is always one of their main priorities.

SECTION 6: Rules of Proceedings and Adjournment

a. Congressional Self-rule

Each House shall determine the rules of its proceedings and adjournments, given that such rules are restricted to and comply with the authorities and powers granted by the Articles of this Constitution.

The people must be able to trust their Representatives to conduct themselves properly and to organize and control their own activities for the benefit of the people. The people cannot worry about how Congress proceeds and acts in determining what is best for the people. This new Constitution will mandate guidelines that will help Congress do their job, but Congress needs the power and authority to organize, proceed, and check itself without the people’s continual oversight and involvement. People want to live their lives without worrying about their government not functioning for their benefit. Otherwise, government should not exist and the people should have the ability to directly establish laws for themselves, which, in light of the number of people, would not seem prudent or conducive to proper law and order in a well-structured society.

SECTION 7: Congressional Assembly and Compensation

a. Full-time Employment Expectations

Congress shall be in session on a full-time basis in accordance with the same laws that determine the weekly and hourly minimums and maximums for the people of the Republic and according to the term limits established by this Constitution.

This provision forces Congress to work hard at what they do, just like any normal full-time employee is required to work when compensated for any particular job. This provision will also motivate Congress to establish employment laws to which they personally will be subjected. There are too many perks provided to Congress when it comes to their absence during the time that they are supposed to be working for the benefit of the people. Although Section 6 of this Article allows Congress to monitor itself, the people need to include Constitutional guidelines that act like an Employee Policy Manual to keep their “employees” in line and focused on the job at hand.

b. Congressional Pay

Congress shall be paid an annual salary at a rate of two times that of the average annual income of the people of the Republic, and paid out of the Treasury of the Republic.

This provision creates a more service-minded attitude for those who are supposed to be serving the people. Although it would seem fair that the people’s Representatives only be paid the average wage that the people make, being compensated at two times the average income will give some incentive to people who would otherwise not serve in politics because of their desire to make a lot of money. Unfortunately, money will always play a motivating factor in how people serve. Whereas service implies a sacrifice that someone makes, wherein one gives something of themselves to aid another, people do not do well with unpaid service.

There would not be a military if the rank and file were not compensated properly. One does not serve one’s country. One is paid by one’s country to do a job. This deeply personal and natural human attribute requires a motivating factor commensurate with the demands of the intended job. One would think that wealthy people, who could afford it, would serve their country for a few years. Regardless of being motivated by money, the people need representatives in government. Today, there are many very educated people who do not even earn the average American wage (they are below it). These people need to step up and run for office, motivated by the fact that for at least four years, or eight if reelected, they will be compensated consistent with their past desire to make more money when they made the decision to go to college and receive a degree in the first place.

c. Congressional Overtime Compensation

Only at times of worldwide emergencies shall Congress be approved for overtime hours. Congress shall be paid an overtime hourly wage, in addition to their annual salary, commensurate with the average hourly overtime wage of the people of the Republic.

In times of emergency when Congress will be required to spend more than 40 hours per week in session, they should be compensated appropriately, but not out of line with what the people, by law, make in the same situation. Congress will ONLY be paid outside of their regular salary, equal to the people, according to the laws that Congress establishes for overtime pay. Because Congress is guaranteed a salary, a provision must be included that compensates Congress when required to work longer hours than the people. “Only in times of national emergencies” keeps Congress from being compensated for staying late in session debating a bill that probably will not pass with a consensus of unanimity. If employees are allowed, they will justify the misuse of overtime hours that will increase their paycheck. This provision is fair to the person who works overtime but checks the reason for which the person is spending overtime hours. Any CEO of a for-profit company would ensure that the company is not losing profits to unscrupulous employees. The people of the Republic ARE the CEO of the Republic and their Representatives are their employees.

d. Congressional Vacation and Sick Leave

Congress shall be allowed 30 days a year of paid vacation, and shall be provided the same amount of personal and sick leave that is granted to every person under the Republic by law prescribed by Congress.

The responsibility of creating laws that affect the lives of so many people can become burdensome on the human mind. Having a fair break to relax and get away from the coarseness of politics is important. Whereas no average person receives 30 days of paid vacation each year, this provision will sensibly grant Congress this perk for their “service.” However, the people of the Republic also get sick and need personal leave, according to the unexpected occurrences experienced in life. This provision will force Congress to establish laws for the people that cover sick and personal leave that will also directly affect their own personal lives.

e. Congressional Pensions

No Member of Congress shall receive a pension of any kind, at any time, for service in the Congress, unless the law equally provides such pension, of any kind, to all people of the Republic.

There are few, if any, jobs for the people that provide a pension of any kind that is not funded by the employee (such as a 401k) if the employee only works for four years. Conversely, Social Security is a pension provided to the people of America in their old age that they were compelled to pay into throughout their working years. This provision will make sure that Congress supports the Social Security program and ensures that its monthly compensation to the people is fair, and also what Congress will be forced to depend upon in their old age, based on their contributions to Social Security during their working years, including the years they served in Congress. Because of the way that 401k programs (and other similar programs) are financed through investments in companies, this provision prohibits Congress from contributing to any pension program while serving the people so that Congress will not be influenced by any particular market investment that might increase their personal investment portfolio in an employee-funded pension. This same scenario could be expanded to include all people of Earth equally.

SECTION 8: – Revenue Bills, Legislative Process, Veto Power

a. Raising Revenue by Taxation

All Legislative Bills for raising revenue for the Treasury of the Republic, to pay for the debts of the Republic, shall comply with and support the tax code described in Section 9(a.) below. Congress shall not raise revenue by any other means.

The people are going to determine how they are taxed. Unfortunately, the people, and most politicians, do not understand economic factors that create and manage the money that controls a society and supports a government. Politicians use fear over the people in their attempts to be elected and reelected to office. Fear is the result of ignorance. Politicians use the National Debt, for example, to breed fear, when they cannot explain how the National Debt works, how it is paid, and why it exists. It was ascribed to Franklin D. Roosevelt that “…the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts ….” Common sense explains that misunderstanding from ignorance breeds fear and corrupts peace and security. Fear always comes from ignorance. When a politician can stimulate fear in people, it creates a herd instinct, usually of anger, against something that the people do not understand.

Money and taxation are the greatest fear of the people. Therefore, the people must establish laws based on true realities of how money is used in our economy. Furthermore, taxes should not be used to breed fear or in any other way disrupt the lives of the people. Taxes must exist to serve the people’s needs, and not so that the people are taxed to serve the needs of government. For this reason, the people must first, understand money and how it is used, and then (through their elected Representatives) establish laws that protect them from money and the control that others have over it. The people must take full control of money. The first step in doing this is to mandate, through the Constitution, how the people are taxed. This is explained in detail in Article 1, Section 9 below. This provision prohibits Congress from introducing any other form of taxation.

b. Veto Power over the Consensus of Unanimity

No other branch of government shall possess veto power over any Bill passed into law by the consensus of unanimity of Congress.

This provision keeps the power of creating laws in the hands of the people and protects the people from a despotic or autocratic government. No President will have absolute power over the wishes and the opinions of the people through their elected Representatives. This provision also controls the Judicial Branch in its power and authority to determine the constitutionality of a law that Congress has unanimously agreed upon, which, in effect, is the voice of the people.

SECTION 9: Powers of Congress

a. Tax Code

TO pay the debts and constitutional obligations under Article IV, and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the Republic, Congress shall be limited to a consumption-based tax rate in its power to establish laws that lay and collect taxes, not to exceed 20%, and based on the annual Gross Domestic Product of the prior year applied to the following economic algorithm: (GS*100) ÷ (GDP – GS); where GDP = Gross Domestic Product and GS = Government Spending

“Congress shall be limited to a consumption-based tax rate in its power to establish laws that lay and collect taxes,” strictly limits ALL taxation, thus eliminating payroll, social security, Medicare, state, local, sales, estate, capital gains, corporate, and ALL TAXES. Adding this provision to the new Constitution will prevent Congress, by law, from changing the tax laws or imposing any kind of new tax other than a consumption-based, flat-rate tax as determined by the stated mathematical equation above (explained in detail at this link).

(GS*100) ÷ (GDP – GS) = flat tax rate charged on all goods and services NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR FREE BY THE GOVERNMENT UNDER CONSTITUTIONAL LAW.

Although an algorithm of such magnitude might seem too restrictive and obtrusive to the free market system, when analyzed and considered in all of its detail, it is the ONLY way that the playing field of commerce and trade can benefit all people equally and support a stable supply-and-demand-based economy that also needs to fund a government. The determining factor of any tax code should always be how such tax benefits the people. And tax revenues should be limited to funding a government that serves all people equally. Current tax laws support corporations and the wealthy, because corporations and the wealthy pay the lobbyists who fight for these laws. This new provision treats ALL people equally, regardless of economic status, conforming to this Constitution’s Preamble: “TO establish justice for each person equally, regardless of age, race, country of origin, gender, economic status, religion, or sexual orientation;

We use the game of Monopoly® to explain the implications of this form of taxation, providing new currency, and how this Constitutional provision supports The Game of Life as played out in America, while creating an equal playing field for all.

Click here to learn more about The Humanity Party®‘s Fair Tax Plan.

b. Creating Electronic Currency; the Elimination of a Cash-based Economy

TO fund the difference between the tax revenue and the Republic’s debts, Congress shall have the power to issue currency, fix the standard, measures, and regulate the value thereof, There shall be one World Currency. The World Currency, its standards and measures, shall be of an electronic nature. Congress shall not have the power to coin or print money of any type. All financial transactions between the people of the Republic, or between any entity established among them, shall be of an electronic nature.

This provision solidly places control over money in the hands of the people. The establishment of a cashless society will greatly affect crime and terrorism and the way that these organizations are funded. Furthermore, economic sanctions against countries and nations that violate human rights can be more effectively and easily administered. America’s impact on the world’s economy, because it is by far the highest consumer of the world’s goods and services, justifies the American people’s right to have a powerful voice in how money is regulated throughout the world.

The advent of technology associated with debit and credit cards has influenced and perpetuated electronic transactions that are monitored and accounted for by law. No one who is obeying the law would have a problem giving up cash. The fear is that Americans will lose privacy if they do not have the ability to purchase goods and service without anyone else knowing what goods and service they desire. The key to this is the establishment of laws that are good and fair and that allow people the ability to purchase any goods and service that are desired without punishment.

Other provisions of this Constitution protect individual privacy. The government today already has the ability to monitor all bank and credit accounts. It is true that the government cannot properly monitor cash transactions made outside of bank oversight. But again, the use of cash is usually desired when one is breaking the law. Fair and equitable laws that protect the privacy of the individual need to exist so that the government can monitor all money movement and become more effective at monitoring criminal activity. There is no law, for one of many examples, that prohibits an adult from paying for the goods and services of pornography. Yet, that one might not want everyone else to know that he or she is paying for pornography. The information obtained electronically by the government about the purchase is a protected, Constitutional right, because no violation of law has occurred. However, prostitution is illegal. (Whether this is fair or not is not being debated here. Furthermore, how many women would want to be a prostitute if all of their 22 basic needs were met for free?) No act of prostitution is ever paid for with an electronic transaction. The people can control money more efficiently for their own protection and sake if there were no cash-based transactions.

c. Power to Regulate Inflation on Human Basic Necessities

TO regulate the inflation on the cost of the goods and services provided under Article IV, not to exceed 1.5% per annum. Congress shall have no power to regulate the inflation on any other goods or services.

Article IV of this Constitution guarantees that the Basic Necessities of Life be provided to all humans upon Earth. To pay for these guaranteed goods and services, more money must be created and introduced into the economy. Whenever more money is created, inflation increases exponentially because the Free Market and Capitalism are based on supply and demand. The more people demand, the higher prices that businesses charge for their goods and services. Because the government will be demanding goods and services to provide for the basic necessities of life for the people, demand will increase; and greedy Capitalists will take advantage of the demand unless they are prohibited from doing so by law.

This provision gives Congress the power to control the prices charged for the goods and services that support life; but, at the same time, it prohibits them from meddling in the affairs of the greed-driven positive effects of a Free Market economic system. Having their basic needs provided for will give the people more money to spend in the Free Market, which in turn will create more jobs and greater income to the people. Thus, there will be a greater demand based on the Capitalistic structure established for business and profit. For this reason, Congress will have no power to establish price controls that will impede the desire of Capitalism to do what it does best: create competition and advance technological evolution. (See details of Article IV ahead.)

d. Power to Support Infrastructure

TO establish, support, and maintain a modern and sound infrastructure of the Republic according to the needs and wants of its people.

This gives Congress the power to build roads, bridges, dams, canals, aqueducts, windmill farms, nuclear reactors, and whatever else is necessary to provide for the needs and wants of the people. No longer will the people be dependent on local governments to repair roads and ensure a quality supply of the utilities that make it easier to live. The bureaucracy of local governments is eliminated by the loss of power of each State and local government. Federal programs and authorities are much better financed and overseen than local administration. Federally funded programs have proven over time to be much more efficient and controlled than locally funded projects. A big part of this is the ability of the Federal government to create money to finance these projects. Furthermore, most State and local governments already depend on Federal funding for many of their projects. Without the infusion of capital into State and local programs, not much would get accomplished. Taking out the middleman (State and local governments) will reduce much of the red tape and bureaucracy and get things done more efficiently and timely. The people should not have to wade through a mess of politics to get action taken on their needs and wants.

e. Power to Regulate Copyrights, Patents, and Trademarks

TO promote the progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited times to Authors and Inventors, the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.

Human creativity is essential to the growth of human intellect and emotional stability. Technological progress also increases the opportunity for more humans to have the ability to be creative. Because money plays such an important part in the values that we place on things, individual creativity must be protected from greed so that creative motivation remains secure. No one wants to spend time making a new discovery or producing something personally creative only to have another steal the idea and profit from it. With this provision of the Constitution, protection is afforded to ensure that the originator of something beneficial to society is used for the purpose for which the originator intended. One might invent a new drug that can make human life happier and that one might not want to profit from it, but donate it to human good. This law will protect that right and prohibit another from making a profit off of the drug. But this is the ideal use of this Constitutional right. This law will be most effective in continuing to motivate human progress through greed. Either way, this law makes sense and is necessary.

f. Power to Establish One Worldwide Federal Law Enforcement Agency

TO raise and support a single Federal Law Enforcement Agency, which incorporates into one Agency, all former National Militias and Law Enforcement Agencies of any kind; whose jurisdiction shall extend to all parts of Earth; and TO assign their particular duties, and establish their protocols and proceedings. TO give this Agency the necessary authorities and rights to protect and execute the laws of the Republic and this Constitution; TO determine a just punishment for any citizen of the Republic who violates any law within the boundaries of the Republic. Congress shall pass no law granting immunity from punishment to any person, for any reason, at any time.

This provision allows the people to have more control over how law enforcement deals with them. Article IV (Inalienable Human Rights), Section 4 of this new Constitution, details the desires of the people in relation to domestic law enforcement agencies. Whereas Article IV, Section 4, gives a blueprint of what the people expect, this provision gives Congress its authority and responsibility to act. The people do not need different law enforcement agencies with different agendas, protocols, egos, and jurisdiction. One International Law Enforcement Agency will work more efficiently.

Because States and Nations lose their sovereign status and their ability to make and enforce a particular State’s or Nation’s own laws, International Law under this Constitution will become the law of the land for all people of the Earth. Currently, various local, state, and federal agencies in most Nations compete with each other and often do not cooperate, each trying to “one up” the other and show their worth. Burdened with bureaucracy, current law enforcement agencies struggle and often forget that they exist only to protect and serve the people. Eliminating the animosity and pride of the various law enforcement agencies will enhance law enforcement and will serve the people and not the pride and loyalty that agents and officers often feel for their local chapters.

g. Power to Create Laws to Protect the Constitution

TO make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the Republic, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

This gives Congress the power to make any law that supports the provisions and purposes of this Constitution. The Constitution itself is merely a blueprint and generalization of what the people expect from their government. Congress is expected to establish laws that support the desires of the people. Because this new Constitution contains its own laws that effectively serve the needs of the people, and the fact that all laws that Congress passes must be by a consensus of unanimity, the powers of politicians are limited to and restricted by this powerful new Constitution. The Constitution must be the most important reference guide for Congress in performing its role as lawmakers for the people, by the people, and of the people.

Section 10: Limits on Congress

Congress shall be limited in its powers according to the provisions and Articles described in this Constitution. Congress shall not have the power to supersede, at any time, the powers and authorities granted to it by this Constitution.

This provision establishes the power and significance of this Constitution and makes it very, very hard to amend the Constitution and establish laws that in any way bypass or circumvent the desires of the people who created this Constitution for themselves, by themselves, and of themselves.

Article I
Article II
Article III
Article IV
Article V
Article VI
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