L.A. to declare ‘state of emergency’ on homelessness, commit $100 million
September 25, 2015 |
| 3 min read

L.A. to declare ‘state of emergency’ on homelessness, commit $100 million
The Humanity Party® (THumP®) has the solutions.
It MUST be an inalienable, constitutional right, for each human to be provided with the basic necessities of life.
Who, in their right mind … with any type of humanity … would disagree with this?
To the ignorant ones who claim, “Nothing in life is for free. Everyone is expected to work and take care of themselves.”
In other words, the ignorant are stating, “We want to have children and bring them into this world so that they will be forced to work for someone else and become a slave to the normal, accepted way of life.”
Now, what kind of humane parent would do this to their child?
No changes will ever be made unless the majority can accept that the basic necessities of life MUST be an unconditional human right, guaranteed to each person under a correctly written Constitution.
The world’s economic infrastructure can do this. It is already doing this, because a large, ever-increasing majority of humans seem to eat, barely, and survive, barely, without having a job that provides them with the money to purchase basic human survival.
What is inherently wrong with the thinking of people who do not support, in every way, the guarantee that every child born upon Earth will be properly provided for until that child’s mortal experience ends? Would we let a child die? Yet, when that child has a few years of experience on Earth, we WOULD LET THAT SAME CHILD DIE!
Here’s a preview of THumP®’s Constitutional proposals:
Article IV – Inalienable Human Rights
Section 1 – Powers to Enforce this Article
a. Enforcement. The provisions of this Article shall be applied and enforced by Executive Orders and under the direction of the President of the Republic.
b. Congressional Limitations. Congress shall have no power, in any way, to amend or restrain this Article. The President shall enact and appoint the Commissions, their Commissioners, and their proceedings to fulfill and comply with the provisions of this Article.
c. Presidential Duties. The President shall: 1) demand from Congress the means to fulfill the provisions of this Article; 2) provide a yearly budget to Congress specifically addressing the monetary means needed to fulfill this Article; 3) provide the protection of Law Enforcement to enforce this Article.
d. Funding. The validity of the public debt of the Republic incurred in providing the provisions of this Article shall not be questioned. No person shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in the execution of the provisions of this Article. All such debts, obligations, and claims shall be unlawful and void to the people. Congress shall retain the power to produce and incorporate any legal tender required to fulfill the provisions this article.
Section 2 – Right to the Basic (Physical and Emotional) Necessities of Life
a. Basic Necessities. Each person, from the moment of birth to the moment of death, shall be provided with the following basic necessities of life, free from charge or debt: 1) Nutritious Food; 2) Comprehensive Healthcare, including mental care; 3) Safe and secure Housing and Utilities; 4) Essential Clothing; 5) Public Education from an elementary level up to and including four years at any accredited University.
b. Past Debt for Basic Necessities. Upon adoption of this Constitution, all obligations and debts, of any kind, acquired by the people in obtaining their rights outlined in this Article shall be unconditionally forgiven; Congress shall issue fair compensatory repayment to the persons or entities that can prove a lawful claim against any such person so indebted.
Section 3 – Right to Citizenship and Immigration
a. Legal Citizenship. Each person, being human, shall be considered a legal citizen of the Republic and enjoy the equal rights and protections granted by this Constitution.
b. Free Movement. Each person may travel throughout the earth to any place, at any time, for any reason, except as otherwise prohibited or restricted by Congress.
THumP® has the solutions.
L.A. to declare ‘state of emergency’ on homelessness, commit $100 million