Introducing THumP®’s Board of Directors
July 13, 2016 |
| 7 min read

Below we will briefly introduce the members of THumP®’s Board of Directors.
We will not reveal their names, their current location of residence, or any other information that might expose them to the abuse that The Humanity Party®’s spokesperson has experienced. However, it is important that their special expertise and knowledge is officially acknowledged so as to explain the profound nature of this particular group of individuals. (NOTE: to further maintain their anonymity and protect the implication of unity and equality, their gender, age, race, and current nationality will not be revealed.)
The Humanity Party®’s Board of Directors consists of 8 main individuals, each with special expertise, knowledge, and that education responsible for the establishment and direction of The Humanity Party® . Our spokesperson is the youngest and least in experience, education, and intelligence. He was chosen to be the public figure due to his extrovert nature and approachability. Our spokesperson has sacrificed his life for the work of the Board, exposing his true name and character so that the other members can remain anonymous and protected.
We have assigned a letter to each of the other seven member’s names. These abbreviations are fictitious acronyms invented and used by our spokesperson in his association and reference to them: MR, MI, J, T, JB, M1, and M2.
Member MR
This person is an expert in general world history, from the beginning of historical time to the present. No other member of the Board has more experience in the study of the human race throughout the beginning of recorded history up to modern times.
Member MI
This person is an expert in the history of the Western Hemisphere, particularly in the development of the American continents, both North and South. This member has traveled extensively throughout the Americas and spent many years studying the ancient histories of the major South American civilizations that existed before their discovery by European explorers.
Member J
This person is an expert in modern United States history, more particularly, the religions that developed and flourished in the new nation. This member lived their entire life within the United States and studied its beginnings and developments. Working with the other Board Members, this member was directly responsible for teaching and counseling our spokesperson from 1987 to the present day about the History of the United States.
Member T
This person is an expert in American and Asian studies and history. This member was born in North America and traveled throughout Asia and the Middle East, eventually meeting and uniting with Members M1 and M2 in South America, and then traveling with them when they met Member JB in the Middle East. None of the members has traveled throughout the world as much as this member. This member was assigned to personally mentor our spokesperson and aid him throughout his development as the group’s spokesman.
Member JB
This person is an expert in Middle East affairs and the world’s religions. This member was born in Israel and moved to Lebanon where this person remained for many years. After meeting Members T, M1, and M2, and being informed that our spokesperson had been recruited to their cause (in 1987), this member joined Member T, M1, and M2 in personally educating our spokesperson, primarily about the world’s religions, and more particularly about the development and culture of the Hebrew/Christian/Islamic Bible and its history.
Member M1 and M2
These two members are the only members from the same family. They are siblings, born and raised in South America. They met Member T while this person was traveling throughout the Americas. Together, the three traveled throughout the Americas and Asia until they united with Member JB and formed an alliance to do whatever they could to help the world improve its state of humanity. Eventually these two members traveled throughout Europe and settled in France for many years. They recently traveled to the United States to help launch and support the concept and intent of The Humanity Party® .
Combined, these members possess a vast amount of knowledge, mostly from personal experience associating with the different cultures of the world. Only one, JB, has studied the written histories published as secular World History and taught in the world’s schools. World History is nothing more or less than the perception and opinion of the world leaders who held power at the time that any particular historical event occurred. The real history of the world, what happened behind the scenes, and to the majority of people without power, can only be learned and reported from actual experience and interaction with the people who are unrepresented by history. These are the 99%. These are those for whom The Humanity Party® was developed.
Here is a brief history of how the group was formed:
Members T, JB, M1, and M2 met and united to find a way to help change the social injustices of the world. T and JB would travel and meet with various people of the same mindset. One of those whom these two met with was the influential, unorthodox historian, Howard Zinn. Zinn would go on to write the controversial, but truer to form, The People’s History of the United States.
Prior to the informal formation of the group in 1987, members MR and MI were not involved in the group of 5, which then consisted of: J and T, JB, M1, M2. The later four met the former J many years prior to 1987.
Watching and following the development of the secret combinations (behind the scenes) of political, business, and religious power that were prevalent in the United States, the group eventually traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah, where they first met our spokesperson. He was working as a Security Officer for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS/Mormon Church). Two years after the LDS/Mormon Church received world notoriety from the bombings and murders associated with Mark Hoffman (October of 1985), our spokesperson met with the group, which had then become a group of 7. He was asked to join the group and help them in their movement.
1987 to 1991
Our spokesperson left the LDS/Mormon Church and traveled throughout the Western United States, attempting to find a place where the group could find a secure location to meet and start their movement. In 1991, our spokesperson lost two of his children and quit the group.
1992 to 2003
He ventured out on his own in an attempt to accomplish the intent of the group in creating social change without being involved with the other members of the group.
Having failed to make any progress in his attempts, our spokesperson was once again contacted by the group and asked to help them in the first phase of their attempt at social change. This first attempt was aimed at creating cognitive dissonance in the religious mind, to such an extent that the free will of the person would voluntarily leave religion and emotionally change into a person more conducive to humane behavior. This first phase became known as the Marvelous Work and a Wonder® (MWAW). The MWAW was and is successful at liberating many, many people from religion.
The group met in San Diego, California, where they discussed the next phase of their plans, which included presenting a plan to end worldwide poverty. First known as the Widow’s Mite Foundation, the name evolved into the Worldwide United Foundation, and eventually became The Humanity Party® .
2004 to 2012
The first phase was completed and published through the books associated with the MWAW.
The group met in Salt Lake City, Utah, and organized The Humanity Party® to initialize the second and final phase of their work.
There is no other group of people more dedicated and resolved to changing society. Their experience and education have taught them that change will not occur until, first, people want to change, and second, people’s emotional paradigms (i.e., religious and personal philosophies) are properly challenged and provided with an alternative. Having taught our spokesperson most of what they know, he has become a strong voice for their movement and its only exposed member.
The Humanity Party® has the solutions. No one else does.® No other group has a collective intelligence anywhere close to THumP®’s Board of Directors. None.