HUMANE – Equality in Healthcare

March 18, 2017 |

| 3 min read

Government has again proven its inability to formulate an equality-based healthcare plan for the U.S. people. Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan has been promoting the new American Healthcare Act, despite opposition from some of the country’s top healthcare organizations (such as the American Medical Association, American Nurses Association, American Hospital Association and the American Association of Retired Persons, and Steven Corwin, the President/CEO of New York-Presbyterian, one of the nation’s largest health provider). Media outlets have been referring to the proposal as DOA.

After reviewing documents, the Congressional Budget Office has reported that under the GOP plan, 14 million Americans will lose insurance by 2018. The CBO also reports that by 2026, 24 million more will lose insurance and the Federal Deficit will be reduced by 337 billion dollars. Officials expect premiums to rise until 2020 and lower by 2026, in contradiction to campaign promises made by POTUS of affordable insurance and that “everybody would be covered.” POTUS referred to the plan on camera as a “big fat beautiful negotiation” and thanked Speaker Ryan for working on a plan that would be “beneficial for the people.”  The White House called the CBO report bogus.

Healthcare providers also see AHA Medicaid reductions, the loss of subsidies, and the individual mandate as troublesome in regards to the cost of healthcare and who will pay. All of which demonstrate Government and Health organizations’ failure to draft a plan that would actually benefit all citizens.

In sharp contrast to our current “complicated” health system, as POTUS refers to it, The Humanity Party® has a Health and Universal Medical Assistance Needs of Everyone (HUMANE) plan like Medicare and Medicaid that will provide everyone free access and fund itself easily. [Editor’s note, 2023: See information on our HumanECard®]

HUMANE points are as follows:

1. People will be able to choose doctors, hospitals, dentists, pharmacists, psychologists, therapists etc., with their individual HUMANE card.

2. The best hospitals and doctors would see the most patients and make the most profits.

3. A HUMANE Commission would be set up to determine the proper compensation for providers and services.

4. No other Government-backed careers will earn more, because well-fed, well-housed, well-clothed people will value good health.

5. Each HUMANE card will hold an encrypted individual health history. If a card is lost or stolen, individual DNA, fingerprint, or iris scan would access the history.

6. Medical histories are confidentially stored on a Universal Medical Database.

7. Nonessential, unnecessary, cosmetic/vanity services will not be covered by HUMANE, except in cases of reconstructive services due to accident, natural deformity, natural abnormality, or gender associated issues.

8. Abuses of HUMANE such as over-billing will be considered crimes against humanity, resulting in being barred from the system and penalties.

9. Because of healthier diets via F.A.C.E., i.e. resulting from savings of junk food sales, HUMANE will profit sufficiently enough to enrich health professionals.

10. The HUMANE system will boost capitalism, create quality health competition in the free market, and profit from Consumption-Based Taxation.

There will never be a finer healthcare plan for human beings than The Humanity Party® has equitably framed, because human health and life are valued over all other human concerns.

The Humanity Party® has the solutions.

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