Register to Vote
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The Humanity Party® (THumP®) has no confirmed leaders. It is led by the voice of each person who supports its platform. Properly supporting THumP® consists of legally registering to vote and casting your vote by entering the words “The Humanity Party®” in the write-in option. Rejecting all of the registered and approved candidates sends a message that we no longer accept the status quo of the current government and that we demand real change.
THumP® is not delusional in believing that the appointment of any popular politician or celebrity will produce a successful challenge to the current party candidates. THumP®’s first objective is to give the people hope and educate them about the power of their vote. The Humanity Party® offers a united and equal face to each and every person who legally registers to vote and then uses the write-in option to send a clear and powerful message to the balloted candidates.
It is THumP®’s intent to rally the people to show up at voting booths across the world and record a vote of The Humanity Party®. The Humanity Party® hopes that it wins the majority of votes and sends a strong message to the political powers that control our lives. It is our intent to send a message to the governmental authorities that we demand drastic changes; and most importantly, that we provide the solutions and define the change that we desire.