The Book of Life®

“We stand united in the conviction that all people upon Earth are created equal and possess equal inalienable rights. We stand united in the conviction that in order to protect these rights, a Government cannot be divided into separate Sovereigns of authority, but we must attain our inalienable status as a one, united World, indivisible.”

The Humanity Party® Proposed Constitution

“By submitting our names and personal information herein, we HEREBY commit ourselves to the establishment of a One World Government and a New Constitution and its order of law. This NEW Constitution shall establish law that provides each and every human being living upon our Earth with the basic necessities of life (i.e., nutritious food and clean water, secure housing, basic clothing, health and mental care, and education), free of any debt or charge, from the moment of their birth, to the moment of their death.”

Sign the THumP® Book of Life®

When a person registers to vote anywhere in the world, that person is allowing government officials to know and track their presence. THumP® expects those who are committed to its purpose (to establish a new world order under a One World Government) to show the same courage and resolve as one does when one registers to vote under one’s current government. Therefore, Signers are required to provide their legal full name, their legal complete address, their phone number, and their email address. If one chooses not to provide these things, then that one cannot properly support THumP®’s purpose; and that one should not sign THumP® Book of Life®, and that one will not be allowed to register with THumP®. Registering with THumP® is for the courageous who are willing to stand up for a better world. None of us needs to hide.
The information in the Book of Life® is copyrighted and cannot be used by any Third Party for any reason. The Humanity Party® is not responsible for the misuse of the information provided in its Book of Life®. THumP® will NOT use any of the personal information provided in THumP® Book of Life® for ANY SOLICITATION OF ANY KIND.
Marvelous Work and a Wonder® testimonials

Understand the Humanity Party®

Review the Humanity Party® Platform.


Read our Declaration of Reform and Change and our Proposed Constitution.


Learn about the FBNL® and our plan to end worldwide poverty.


View our featured videos and read blogs for additional information.


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