Want to Raise Extremely Successful Kids? Science Says Do These 7 Things Every Day
May 24, 2016 |
| 4 min read

One of the main problems with our world is that we value “science” above common sense and the practical application of human emotions.
Science is “the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.”
Science got ONLY ONE THING right in this article:
“We are what we repeatedly do,” said Aristotle. “Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” It’s true, whether we’re talking about ourselves or our children.
Recently, we explored how wealthy parents give their kids a giant advantage, simply by raising them in more privileged neighborhoods.
What the article didn’t get right was that the majority of “Extremely Successful Kids” are emotionally dependent on legal or illegal drugs that physically manipulate their brains and help them to deal with the constant pressures of being “successful.”
It is intelligent and practical to surmise that the behavior of wealthy people promotes and allows more opportunity for their kids to become worldly successful. But science does not study the emotional results of this behavior.
Of the “7 Everyday Things” to do mentioned in this article, the ONLY one that is important in order to establish and promote peace on Earth is,
2. Teach them social skills.
Have you ever worked with socially awkward people? It’ll probably be no surprise to you to learn then that a 20-year study at Penn State and Duke found that kids with good social skills turned out to be more successful.
“Socially competent children who could cooperate with their peers without prompting, be helpful to others, understand their feelings, and resolve problems on their own, were far more likely to earn a college degree and have a full-time job by age 25 than those with limited social skills,” Gillett and Baer wrote.
However, the scientific study is flawed, obviously because “educated” people performed the study on “educated” people. Although “socially competent children who could cooperate with their peers without prompting, be helpful to others, understand their feelings, and resolve problems on their own,” is preferred social behavior, WHERE DOES IT EXIST IN THIS WORLD? IF it actually existed, then we would have competent and successful governments that would know how to create peace on Earth. But we don’t!
Education has failed us on so many levels. It promotes monetary and physical success, but does nothing to help promote emotional success. This creates enormous problems in our world.
Because parents concentrate their time and efforts on establishing a “white picket fence” of security around their children that isolates them from the problems experienced by those (the majority) outside their picket fence, the children cannot and do not develop the social skills necessary to deal with and solve these problems.
Here is and has been the problem with human societies since humans started congregating together and forming social bonds:
They begin to prosper and to become great; forming their laws according to equity and justice. And nothing will hinder the people from prospering continually until they fall into the trap of human pride, which is a result of privilege and advantage over others.
Humans have the ability to create many new cities and communities, and even repair the old ones. They cause many highways, roads, and other means of transportation to be constructed, from land to land, and from place to place.
The disputings among the people come from the pride and boastings because of their exceedingly great riches. Soon they begin to persecute those who are not successful.
There arise many merchants in the land, and also many lawyers, and many officers. And the people began to be distinguished by ranks, according to their riches and their chances for learning; some were ignorant because of their poverty, and others received great learning because of their riches.
Some were lifted up in pride, and others were exceedingly humble; some did return railing for railing, while others would receive railing and persecution and all manner of afflictions, and would not turn and revile again.
This is how great inequality begins throughout the world. The cause of this inequality is human nature and the pride that motivates it. Pride is taught to children. Kids are taught to have pride in what they do, not in how they feel. Pride that creates inequality among others puffs children up and tempts them to seek for power, authority, riches, and the vain things of the world, justifying their success above others regardless of how the results of their personal success affects others.
Science MUST start using intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the EMOTIONAL world, through observation and experiment, instead of only the physical world.
The problems of our world, observable from the empirical evidence of the physical world …
And until we understand human emotions and concentrate our efforts on happiness than worldly success, there will be no happiness or peace upon Earth.
The article would have been more influential and inspirational if it were titled:
Want to Raise Extremely HAPPY Kids? Science Says Do These 7 Things Every Day
Science doesn’t have a clue how to raise a happy child.
THumP® has the solutions.
Want to Raise Extremely Successful Kids? Science Says Do These 7 Things Every Day