EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Obama to sign executive order to ignite competition
April 15, 2016 |
| 4 min read

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Obama to sign executive order to ignite competition
This is NOT the way to stimulate the economy. Government should NOT be involved in the Free Market economy. But neither should people suffer from the same Free Market.
President Obama is making a HUGE mistake. He will drive business out of the United States of America to other countries. Because of current technology and major advances in shipping and international commerce, anyone can setup a company in any other country and ship the goods and services to the United States.
Consider the deceptive phone app: Doctors on Demand. (THumP® describes this business venture as deceptive because a person pays $40 and usually finds little advice except, go to a doctor’s office.)
DoD will provide you with a Board Certified Doctor or Psychologist (for a high fee of $40 per 15 minutes) to be diagnosed and even receive a legal prescription for medicine. These doctors can be in any country in the world, Board Certified, and provide the service that U.S. doctors provide. Technology allows this.
When the government threatens or regulates business ventures, the goal of the entrepreneur is profit. Much greater profits are possible setting up companies in other countries.
PLEASE consider THumP®’s proposals for what authority and power should be given to the Executive Branch of government.
It is pretty simple:
The Executive Branch should exist to protect and serve the people and their free will to act and be acted upon without threat or intimidation from government intrusion.
But, and this is VERY IMPORTANT and THumP®’s main argument,
The President should have the power to force the Legislative Branch to ensure that the basic needs of the people are provided for. A President’s power should be limited to ONLY this!
Consider the profound implication of THumP®’s revised constitutional proposals:
ARTICLE II: The Executive Branch
SECTION 2: Powers of the President
a. Supreme Commander of a Federal Law Enforcement Agency
TO hold the Office of Commander in Chief of the Federal Law Enforcement Agency of the Republic, as adopted under Article IV, Section 4(b.) of this Constitution; TO appoint and remove any Officers of the Federal Law Enforcement Agency; TO respond to any form of aggression or repression against the Republic, its laws, or any of its people, whenever and wherever they may be located throughout the earth.
b. Executive Power to Enforce Constitutional Law
TO appoint and remove any Officers of the government of the Republic, except those otherwise designated by this Constitution; and TO assign their particular duties, and establish their protocols and proceedings, in support of the laws of this Constitution.
If our Constitution includes the provision that all people receive the basic necessities of life, then a President will have power to enforce, with physical force if necessary, a Congress to comply with this provision. Here is THumP®’s proposed provision:
ARTICLE IV: Inalienable Human Rights
SECTION 1: Powers to Enforce this Article
a. Enforcement
The provisions of this Article shall be applied and enforced by Executive Orders and under the direction of the President of the Republic.
b. Congressional Limitations
Congress shall have no power, in any way, to amend or restrain this Article. The President shall enact and appoint the Commissions, their Commissioners, and their proceedings to fulfill and comply with the provisions of this Article.
c. Presidential Duties
The President shall: 1) demand from Congress the means to fulfill the provisions of this Article; 2) provide a yearly budget to Congress specifically addressing the monetary means needed to fulfill this Article; 3) provide the protection of Law Enforcement to enforce this Article.
d. Funding
The validity of the public debt of the Republic incurred in providing the provisions of this Article shall not be questioned. No person shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in the execution of the provisions of this Article. All such debts, obligations, and claims shall be unlawful and void to the people. Congress shall retain the power to produce and incorporate any legal tender required to fulfill the provisions this article.
SECTION 2: Right to the Basic (Physical and Emotional) Necessities of Life
a. Basic Necessities
Each person, from the moment of birth to the moment of death, shall be provided with the following basic necessities of life, free from charge or debt: 1) Nutritious Food; 2) Comprehensive Healthcare, including mental care; 3) Safe and secure Housing and Utilities; 4) Essential Clothing; 5) Public Education from an elementary level up to and including four years at any accredited University.
b. Past Debt for Basic Necessities
Upon adoption of this Constitution, all obligations and debts, of any kind, acquired by the people in obtaining their rights outlined in this Article shall be unconditionally forgiven; Congress shall issue fair compensatory repayment to the persons or entities that can prove a lawful claim against any such person so indebted.
This is SOUND and GOOD government!
THumP® has the solutions!
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Obama to sign executive order to ignite competition