A Detailed Explanation on How to Solve Poverty Throughout the World—The Only Way That Will Work with Current Economic Forces and Human Nature
September 15, 2015 |
| 20 min read

(NOTE: All excerpts taken from the book, Human Reality–Who We Are and Why We Exist, by Anonymous, 2009; the #1 search hit on all the world’s search engines #humanreality.)
We can do it! HERE’S HOW:
(NOTE: The following descriptions are outlines of specific programs and named [with acronyms] for each purpose, as might be found in the United States, where the plan could be most immediately established and implemented. There is much more to each program than what is presented herein. By using common sense, the reader will be able to ascertain other important needed aspects of each of the following programs, which are needed to implement them both in America and throughout the world.)
To provide food to everyone, give every human being “FOOD AUTHORIZATION CREDITS for EVERYONE” (FACE). These credits are stored on cards and will be accepted at any grocery store or food outlet anywhere in the world. However, they will not allow an individual to purchase anything but good, nutritious food.
A worldwide commission will be established that consists of the world’s top health and nutrition officials. This commission will authorize which foods can be acquired with the FACE card. Nothing that causes the human body any harm will be acceptable; this means no soft drinks, no processed foods, no candy, and no deserts—nothing that negatively affects a healthy body. If a person wants other foods that are not purchasable with the FACE card, that person must go to work and earn the money to buy what he or she desires.
The FACE Service (FACES) will be responsible for the quality and safety of the food it authorizes. It will oversee quality inspectors, whose primary job will be to inspect the production of all of the food that is authorized.
Here’s an example. A farmer who wants to grow a food product that is acceptable for the FACE program must apply to FACES to get the product approved. An inspector will visit the farm and inspect the means of production and the quality of the product. If it does not meet FACES standards, the farmer’s application will be denied. The inspectors will ensure safety and quality from the farm, to the grocery outlet, to the mouth of the consumer.Any packaged product manufactured by any company will have to go through the same strict approval process. To avoid commissioner or inspector fraud and corruption (possibly by the acceptance of a “kickback payment” to encourage the approval of a particular product), any violation of FACES rules will be viewed as a crime against humanity and punished appropriately. Both FACES commissioners and inspectors will be compensated sufficiently to make their job a suitable career choice for which the most educated people will compete.
The FACE will also be accepted at any authorized buffet restaurant, for those who do not have the desire or ability to prepare food. The card will authorize a daily purchase amount. These authorized restaurants will be inspected and approved based on the quality of the food they offer, which must also be nutritious. After meeting this threshold standard, competition among restaurant entrepreneurs will lead to contests, in effect, to see who will have the best tasting food and most inviting atmosphere in which to entice those with FACE cards to dine.
Using current market trends for buffet-type restaurants as an example, one spends about US$10 dollars for an all-you-can-eat meal. These restaurants are obviously making a profit in offering a meal for that price, and compete among the several restaurant chains to gain customers. Because their customer base will expand significantly once the FACE program is in place, there will be greater competition to offer the most nutritious foods and to win the FACES’ contract.
The same scenario of competition will exist among the other food producers who ship their products to grocery outlets. The rules that govern FACES will not allow monopolization by any one company. The one who offers the best food at the best price will get the authorization. Authorizing any particular food or restaurant will be as simple as a few key strokes on the FACES’ central computer, similar to how credit card companies typically monitor the use of credit cards.
With the increased competition to create a business that produces food products and services that meet FACES’ approval, the quality and presentation of nutritious food will increase significantly through free market competition. The food producers will continue to be paid by the food retailers just as they are in our current free markets. The food retailers who are authorized to accept the FACE card will be reimbursed similar to the way that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reimburses the retailers who accept its Food Stamps. The USDA food stamp program is a practical example of how the FACE program would work (although not allowing non-nutritious foods to be purchased).
Because we are accustomed to eating what we want, when we want, and because we can only purchase good, nutritious foods on this plan, the incentive to work will increase. Those who choose not to work will only be eating the foods that will ultimately increase their overall physical health. No longer will a person with integrity hold a sign that reads, “Will Work For Food.” If one does hold such a sign, there will be no remorse felt by the rest of us in passing by without giving up our money.
Additionally, no one can abuse the FACE program by purchasing too much food and trying to sell it for money. Those to whom one might sell the food will exclaim, “Why should I pay you money for food that I can get free just like you did?”
There will be no extensive application process or monitoring of personal means and finances to obtain a FACE card. If you are a human being, you get a card! If you are rich or poor, you get a card! The money that a person would usually spend on food will be redirected into purchases that support a free-market economy. A person who utilizes FACE will have more money to buy other things that support their individuality.Because our current economy is already a worldwide conglomerate, where the economic structure of one nation directly affects that of all other countries, it would not be hard to implement the FACE program throughout the world. If food retailers knew that 5 million starving Africans were going to be carrying their own FACE card, they would scramble to set up their businesses for profit in Africa, thereby hastening the process for these people to start using their cards. In time, the world’s food production would increase, not only to match the quality and nutrition levels set by FACES, but by the demands of the card-carrying people. Food production and retail grocery stores and restaurants would replace weapons manufacturing as the number one profitable business in the world. Just imagine that!
(NOTE: Before explaining how the FACE program will be financed, the other programs that will offer us the other basic necessities will first be discussed. When the other programs have been presented, it will then be shown in detail where the money is going to come from to finance them. It is important to mention this because most readers’ minds are going to be prejudiced by the question of “money.” One must continue to read on with an open mind and first learn about the other programs. The reader can be assured that the “money” to implement all of these programs is available, once a proper understanding of the concept of “money,” how it is created, and how it is controlled is considered. Read on with a “hope” that we can do these things and that you [the reader] will grasp a greater understanding of this than if your mind remains closed because of the imperfection of your current experience. We do have the ability to perfect our experience!)
Each person will be given a “HOUSING ASSISTANCE VOUCHER for EVERYONE” (HAVE). This voucher will be used to rent a HAVE Service (HAVES)-approved residence. The voucher can also be used for long-term payments of motel or hotel accommodations, in the case of an emergency housing need.
The government will reimburse the landlord, corporate property management company, or hotel and motel chain according to the average rent of any particular area. The owners of the properties must obtain HAVES preapproval before a HAVE will be honored. HAVES inspectors will ensure that the property is safe for residency.
This program will be very similar to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Section 8 program—the differences being that everyone who wants a voucher will receive one; and the voucher will pay 100% of the market rent instead of a set amount based on the income of the person. The size of the rental unit will also help determine the rental amount.
Families with children will need only one voucher (HAVE) per family. The amount approved will depend on the number of children under the age of 18 years, and will also depend upon the number of bedrooms required. Once a person reaches the age of 18, he or she will be eligible for his or her own HAVE. A property owner will only receive one HAVE per rental unit, regardless of how many adults and children live there. Because the owner must pre-approve their renters, they can make restrictions on the occupancy according to their maintenance needs.
HAVES inspectors will be the main employees of this program. They will be trained to inspect residences and ensure safety. Only upon their approval will a property owner be approved to receive reimbursement of a HAVE voucher. Each residence will be inspected annually. The people who utilize the HAVE program will also be able to contact an inspector if any violation by property owners arises. The property owner can also evict any tenant for violation of applicable landlord/tenant laws.
Property owners are guaranteed payment for each voucher (HAVE) they receive for the rental of their property. Strict criminal penalties will be enforced to discourage fraud. If convicted of any HAVES’ rule violation, the property owner will be banned from the program for a set time period, or continually, according to the severity of the violation.
The HAVE assistance program will help people find homes in the area in which they wish to reside, and will also assist property owners with any of their problems. The renters will be responsible for the proper upkeep and care of the residence. Those who continually violate general rules of reasonable care of the property will be penalized. These penalties will include being remanded to “Managed Family Facilities,” where a family will be able to live, but will have their freedom restricted until they learn how to properly care for property.
These Managed Family Facilities will be set up for instruction rather than punishment. However, those who cannot be trusted to take care of HAVES-subsidized homes, and have repeatedly proven their unwillingness to do so, will be forced to live in these secure, structured, and managed facilities.
Each home will be allotted a certain number of HAVES energy credits, which will provide the residence with electricity and gas, depending on the rental unit’s size and the number of people residing in the unit. The property owners will be responsible for garbage disposal, sewer, and water. Compensation for these basic utilities will be included in the acceptable market value of the rental property, set by the owner and approved by a HAVES’ inspector.
The HAVES program can be used to acquire ownership of any property. If a person wishes to own their own home, they must participate in the free market system. However, by utilizing HAVES, a young couple, for example, will be able to save for a substantial down payment on their own home. If the couple chooses to utilize the HAVE program until they have saved enough money to buy their own home outright, that will be their choice.
The free market will flourish, because people will be spending the money they would normally have to spend for housing, on other things. Construction companies and land developers will rush to build HAVES- approved housing, because they will know that the rent is guaranteed. Competition between companies will lead to better quality housing for everyone, because the people get to choose where they live. If a person is living in an approved HAVES residence and a better one is built elsewhere, nothing will prohibit the person from moving to the better unit.
Engineers, architects, and developers will bid on the major contracts needed to house the people of the world (just as they did to develop the vast city of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, in the middle of the desert)! Technology will support the development of quality housing anywhere in the world. Wherever there are people who need a home, they will have one through the HAVE program. And when the people have the means to pay for their own privately owned home, others will willingly take their money for a personal profit by providing them with one.
“HEALTH and UNIVERSAL MEDICAL ASSISTANCE NEEDS for EVERYONE SERVICE” (HUMANES) (similar to the U.S. Medicare/Medicaid systems) will provide physical and mental health care for everyone. Through the HUMANES program, people will choose their own doctor, hospital, dentist, pharmacist, psychologist, therapist, etc., according to their personal needs and wants.The best doctors and the best hospitals will see the most patients; therefore, they will make the most money. HUMANES will appoint a commission to determine the proper amount to compensate health care providers for their services. HUMANES will ensure that anyone who provides good health care will be compensated very well for their services.
Nothing is more valuable to a well-fed, well-housed, well- clothed person than their health. Therefore, health care providers will be compensated sufficiently to affect the most efficient and advanced health care for all people. Again, people get to choose who their doctor is or which hospital they wish to go to for treatment, without restrictions. Health care providers will be drawn into the forefront of free market competition. No other government-backed career will earn more than health care professionals, thus enticing those who want to become wealthy with an incentive and the means to do so.
Each person will have a HUMANES card that will identify the person and have his or her medical records encrypted upon a microchip in their personal card. No matter where one chooses to go, they will have their medical records with them. A Universal Medical Database will be established that has a complete record of everyone’s medical records and history. If someone loses their card, their medical information will be readily available. Of course, all of this will be strictly confidential. A simple swab of the mouth, a fingerprint, or an iris scan will access any human being’s medical records.
HUMANES commissioners can oversee the health care that is provided for any individual. With a centralized database, the ability for health care providers to cheat the system will be eliminated. These commissioners will decide what medical, pharmaceutical, dental, and mental health services will be universally provided to ensure the health and welfare of all people equally.
HUMANES will not pay for unnecessary medical attention such as cosmetic surgery or other non-essential services that do not pertain to the general health of the individual. However, cosmetic surgery reconstruction for natural deformities or those caused by accidents will be covered; those pertaining to the vanity of the individual will not.
Any abuse of the HUMANES program will be considered a crime against humanity and punishable according to the severity of the crime. Some current health care providers overbill and charge for unseen patients. If a health care provider is convicted of HUMANES abuse, they will lose their ability to participate in the program and be subject to other criminal penalties.
People will not be able to abuse the program because the covered procedures will be understood and outlined specifically for them. In fact, if the above FACE program is in effect, most people will be eating a lot healthier, thus limiting their need for general health care at all. The money alone saved in not allowing the purchase of “junk food” (as is currently the case with the food stamp program), and the resulting beneficial effects on the body, will be enough to pay for the health care professionals who want to get rich providing health care to others.
The viability of the HUMANES program comes from the desire of health care professionals to be compensated properly for their services. When they know they are going to be valued and compensated according to their needs and wants, they will do whatever it takes to provide quality health care. Some will continue to desire participation in the program for the sake of caring for the wellbeing of the people of the world. But, as current human nature is, the better the pay, the better the care. Again, the way HUMANES will be set up will result in competition, which creates quality in a free market system.
Most people living in civilized communities and countries of the world have closets full of extra clothing. CLOTHING ASSISTANCE RESOURCES for EVERYONE SERVICE (CARES) will be set up to provide clothing to anyone in need. Used clothing receptacles will be placed in the communities of the world, where people can deposit their unwanted clothing. CARES will establish a way to collect this clothing, wash it, and place it in CARES distribution facilities throughout the earth, where the clothing will be free of charge to anyone needing it. If any clothing is not obtained within a period of one year, it will be sent to a CARES recycling center that will recycle the clothing into other products that are in demand in the free market system. The recycled clothing will eventually make enough money to pay for the rest of CARES needs.
EDUCATION and QUALITY UNIVERSAL ASSISTANCE for LEARNING (EQUAL) will be available to all human beings free of charge. No government can place a value on education. It should be available to all people of the world equally. However, the requirements for graduation can be enhanced and improved by making it difficult for a person to gain a certificate or degree in any particular field, to ensure that these degrees are not misused.
For example, those who wish to become a doctor will be required to comply with a strict regimen of medical school education that will ensure quality doctors. Because medical school will be free to anyone wishing to attend, the importance of receiving a degree will be restrictive and left for those with sincere intent, thus ensuring quality medical professionals.
Because education will be free, the pool of human intellect will grow. This will create competition between the schools and a greater quality of educated people. Most importantly, each human being will be allowed to learn those unique things that support his or her own individuality. People will finally be left with no excuse as to why they did not receive an appropriate education with an emphasis on their personal elective field.
Nevertheless, those who do not desire to go through the regiment of strict educational requirements needed to obtain a degree will not have to. Because their basic human needs will be provided for, they can go to school, or not, depending on what makes them happy.
It has been explained that everything we have learned up to this point in our existence upon this earth has nothing to do with an advanced, perfect, human world. However, we are still living in imperfection and are subjected to the lessons of this world. Whatever we want to learn about imperfection will aid us in the final resolution of understanding the comparative values between perfection and imperfection. Therefore, we should be encouraged and supported in learning all we would like to know about our mortal world.
School administrators, professors, and teachers will be paid appropriately according to current free market trends. Although these service providers are not as necessary to basic human physical needs as health care providers are, they are important for the emotional state of human beings living in a free market world. They should be compensated based on their ability to retain students in their classrooms. Because education will be free, schools will be in competition to hire the best teachers that will attract the most students. Schools will have to offer the classes that the students want. The demand for education will create the supply in education as it does in all other aspects of a free market economy.
Private schools will remain under private, for-profit management. They will be paid much as they are in the current U.S. Public School System. If an educational entrepreneur wants to establish a school that will attract students and provide educational disciplines that meet EQUAL guidelines, then let them compete with those thus established. Daily attendance will be tracked and schools will be paid based on student attendance. Students will have an “Education Card,” much like a credit card, that can be used to pay for their education. Any abuse of EQUAL by school administrators or teachers will result in the charge of a crime against humanity, and be appropriately punished.
How will we pay for these programs? It’s all about MONEY!
We are the ones who establish the abstract values we have place on each other and on the resources of the earth. We control how much money is printed to represent these values. We can print as much money as is necessary to support the value of human life. We can assign a number (a value) to anything we want. The more money that is made available, the more chance there is that it will be spread proportionately among the people of the earth according to their wants—as their needs will already be provided for.
An International Anti-Inflation Law (I.A.L.) will be established. This will be vital so that the printed money will be able to stabilize the markets and spread throughout the people of the earth. The governments of the world can implement anti-inflationary rules by which all nations must abide. The laws will (and should) allow a person to become wealthy by making a profit on the product or service they provide to the world within the free market, but with restrictions.
Anti-inflationary laws will not inhibit a person from making a profit, but will prolong the time by which one can create that profit. For example, if the I.A.L. allows only 1% inflation per year, a company can only raise their prices 1% each year. Because we now have a worldwide economy (hypothetically under these proposals), every other company is under the same price controls. This creates a fair advantage for a company that presently can only raise its prices by 1% while its suppliers and manufacturers are allowed to increase their prices at a greater percentage. The profit will come in the demand that the company creates for its products and services.
(end of excerpts)
The Humanity Party® (THumP®) has the answers.