Avada Agency
Avada Agency

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If you receive a text or email from someone claiming to be a representative of The Humanity Party®, do not give out any personal or financial information.

Avada Agency
Avada Agency

Note: The Humanity Party® does not accept nor solicit for donations of any kind.

The Humanity Party® does not award prizes or give direct benefits to anyone.

If you receive a text or email from someone claiming to be a representative of The Humanity Party®, do not give out any personal or financial information.



The Humanity Party® Challenges the United States to End Worldwide Underage Prostitution in One Week!


The Humanity Party® challenges the United States of America to end worldwide underage prostitution in ONE WEEK! There is no one, anywhere, who can competently argue that THumP®'s plan will not work ... in ONE WEEK. ONE WEEK is all the time it would take for the U.S. government to "legally" end worldwide poverty. Visit the Humanity Party®'s website for more information http://www.humanityparty.com. (NOTE: this broadcast was taken from THumP®'s monthly BlogTalkRadio podcast on "Mother's Day" May 14, 2017, featuring Christopher Nemelka, host and spokesperson for the Humanity Party®.) © 2017 The Humanity Party® All Rights Reserved

The Humanity Party® Solves the Israeli – Palestinian Conflict


The Humanity Party® Just Solved the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict amid differences of religion. This powerful presentation can bring everlasting peace regarding their religious beliefs together in the Middle East. Please share this idea that the United Nations is asking for. Introduction of the HumanECard and Book of Life http://www.humanityparty.com © 2017 The Humanity Party® Published on September 14th 2017

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