The Humanity Party® PREAMBLE

Humanity Party®’s Political Platform is defined herein. This Platform acts as the party’s official manifesto that encompasses our views and political points and ideals. This manifesto includes THumP®’s beliefs, but most importantly, their application to real life.

Our party line revolves around three basic inalienable human rights: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Without life, there would be no need for liberty. Without liberty, there can be no individual pursuit of happiness. Whereas the pursuit of happiness is an individual search for joy that variably differs according to each person’s unique desires, governments should not exist to deter from or intervene into any singular, individual pursuit of happiness. Proper government should exist to guarantee and support our ability to live (right to life) and protect us (right to liberty) in our individual pursuits of happiness, allowing each of us to choose our own form of happiness and feel equally safe and secure in its pursuit.

Humanity Party® Platform Preamble ©2016 Humanity Party ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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