The Humanity Party® condemns religious-based charities, such as the RAPHA HOUSE CORPORATION, and all other 501c (3) non-profit organizations that exploit the poor and abused for their own enrichment, self-worth, and notoriety.

September 25, 2016 |

| 4 min read

A U.S. “Christian” based group legally formed a 501-c (3) non-profit corporation, ostensibly to fight worldwide human trafficking, another name for prostitution. They call their organization, The RAPHA HOUSE. “Rapha” is a Hebrew-based word meaning “to heal.”

The Rapha House executives ask people to take action. Their pleas for assistance are based on three actions:

Pray, Shop, and Donate.

Pray to God to help end prostitution.

Shop in their online store, with the idea that 100% of the money goes “directly back to helping [their] programs operate.”

Donate to the corporation, to “invest in freedom for child victims of slavery and sexual exploitation. [By donating] You are speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Thank you for joining us in this fight.”

As a religious-based charity organized as a 50-c (3) non-profit CORPORATION, they use commonly believed scripture to imply God’s backing of their programs:

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.” – Proverbs 31:8-9 NLT

They produced a documentary film, Finding Home. The film is a very good explanation of the problem of prostitution in poor countries, especially the exploitation of child prostitution.

Their solution:

PRAY to a God who allows this to happen to innocent children, pleading that this God will solve the problem that He allows.

SHOP and DONATE to a 501-c (3) non-profit CORPORATION, so that it can pay its administrators and executives whatever salary they need.

They list their “Financials” as 85% of the donations going to their programs, and 15% going to “Other Expenses.” The programs profit the social workers and the companies that provide the goods and services that their programs need to operate, which include the salaries of the administrators and executives of the programs. It is not revealed what the “Other Expenses” are.

Their well-produced documentary film (Finding Home) highlights the lives of a few Cambodian women, whom it claims their programs have helped. It is a very emotional film that grabs at people’s hearts and opens up their pocketbooks. The film does present a refreshing transparency of the problem, and it honestly admits that some of the women whom they help eventually return to prostitution.

The people who PRAY, SHOP, and DONATE, receive a temporary surge of self-worth believing that they are doing something good. The Humanity Party® maintains that these sincere people, and the 501-c (3) non-profit CORPORATIONS to which they donate, are a major part of the problem and impede progress in finally solving the problem.

Solving the problem of human trafficking is as simple as providing every child and person, who considers prostitution as means of support, with a Debit Card that allows them to buy all the basic necessities of life they need to live. The Humanity Party® presents this solution and provides a legal Constitution that will guarantee that no child, ever again, will be forced into prostitution.

Our plan is ignored by these “Christians” and their corporate-based charities.


Because THumP® takes God out of the equation and places the responsibility and solutions on people, these “Christians” and 501-c (3) non-profit corporations will lose their purpose and value. If these institutions become obsolete, where then would these people gain their self-worth?

IF the people can and do solve a problem that the Christian God allows, then the people so endowed with this empowerment and purpose, negate the need for this God.

For this very reason, one can search the Internet for what religious people have said about the Humanity Party®. We are the devil that fights their God. But it is our devil who is more humane and has the solutions to the problems that their God allows.

The Humanity Party® supports the type of scripture that would say something like this:

“But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God.

“And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.

“Wherefore, take heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is evil (Capitalism that supports charitable corporations) to be of God, or that which is good and of God (government-backed social programs) to be of the devil.”

We can write our own scripture and create our own God, one of compassion; one who knows how to solve the problems associated with our world.

This God does NOT exist in the religions and charities of the world.

This God is humanity; and is the ONLY TRUE GOD of the Humanity Party®

Shame on religion. Shame on charities.

WE are GOD. And WE have the solutions!

THumP® has the solutions, NO OTHER GOD DOES!

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