Obama’s tweet about Charlottesville violence—most liked in Twitter’s history, but most hypocritical
August 16, 2017 |
| 3 min read

Former U.S. President Obama made history with this tweet:
“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion…”
It became the most liked tweet in Twitter’s history.
The Humanity Party® strongly points out that, although this statement is true about children, it is far from true about adults.
“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion,” but most adults turn out this way.
Americans, because of their background, hate the idea that a person of a South American background, only because of their background, should be allowed to freely cross an imaginary fixed border on Earth in search of a better life. THumP® acknowledges that Americans were not born with this prejudice, but they were taught it and many embrace it.
Many Americans, because of their religion, hate the idea that persons of the same sex have a right to pursue relationships and happiness equally to persons of the opposite sex. THumP® acknowledges that Americans were not born with this prejudice, but they were taught it and many embrace it.
Most Americans, because of their background, and many because of their religion, hate the idea that a person should not be forced to work at a job that a person does not want to do, just because the person lacks the money (that would come from this job) to survive in the world. THumP® acknowledges that Americans were not born with this prejudice, but they were taught it and most embrace it.
Current President Donald Trump called out both sides of the Charlottesville incident. Trump properly blamed both sides for the violence and reiterated some facts that the media chose to ignore. Trump pointed out, that the “Alt-right” (so named Neo-Nazis, white supremacists) had obtained the proper permits to hold their march and that they were peacefully marching until the “Alt-left” (so named liberals, counter protestors) confronted them with violent confrontation.
The fact is, the Alt-left threw the first punches with the most anger, which in turn led to the chaos that ensued.
People on both sides of the issue are equal humans who were not “born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion” but ALL of them, growing up in America, were taught to hate.
What is a bigot?
A bigot is a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.
Aren’t those who violently confronted the Alt-right side bigots? Yes they are, equally!
If these were little children, who had not yet learned intolerance towards others holding different opinions, would there have been a confrontation? No.
How many likes would the Humanity Party® receive if it tweeted:
“A child is TAUGHT to be intolerant, to hate others, because RACE, NATIONALISM and RELIGION exist. Eliminate race, nationalism and religion.”
More than likely, this tweet will be one of the LEAST shared and liked in Twitter history, but it is the truth! A truth that the blind led by the blind cannot see. This truth can set us free from most violence, if we will only but open our eyes to see the true causes of our world’s problems.
THumP® has the solutions. No one else does.®